Thursday, March 5, 2020

Little Slower. Patience Is Good.


Fished the first Keowee Angler tournament of the year.

Overcast day with temps around 60.  Water temp the same or a little higher.

We fished the back of Crow Creek and after chasing some schooling fish concentrated on throwing the Hulastikz on the bank and dragging it out.

I caught largemouth and spots doing that and my partner finally scored his two fish late and we ended up with 75.75 inches.  No whoppers but 12 came to the boat including 4 non keepers.

Coming back to Keowee Town ramp I saw some fish schooling.  Dropped my partner off and headed back out to see if I can get some topwater spots.

Scored on 2 and this big spot that really ate the JT95 way down in her gills.  Manage to get her off and she swam away but it was a bloody mess.

The fish are starting to school.  Should be fun for a few weeks now.

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