Friday, August 31, 2018

Mixed Bag

Fished today 8.30 from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM, or about when the temperature hit about a 100 degrees.  Sunny and slick and hot.  Water temp from 85 to 89.

Tried finding fish from Keowee Town up to Fall Creek Landing.

While waiting to see if the fish that were in the cove by Fall Creek Landing that I fished last week, I just beat the rocky channel side bank with a chartreuse Shad Rap.  Caught 3 stud bluegills, a small non keeper spot and my obligatory catfish.

Got off the hill and graphed the cove and no fish were seen.

Headed down towards Keowee Town graphing coves and points to no avail.

Finally ended up at the large cove by the ramp at Keowee Town and saw a little activity on the graph and a few fish schooling once in a while.

Nothing on a spoon, but caught 3 drop shotting a Zoom Meathead in natural color.  One was a very nice fat 15 1/2” spot the other two were just keepers of 12”.  Caught one non keeper spy baiting while they were schooling around me.

And did I mention it was hot?  But few boats.
Big Bluegill I Thought Was A Bass

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Better Fishing Is Coming


Fished from 7 AM to 10:30 AM.  The water temp was in the mid 80’s and the wind was from the south with a lot of clouds.

I started in the back of Crowe Creek looking for a largemouth bite, which didn’t materialize.  Threw topwater, ned rid and crankbaits.  Lots of threadfin shad seen, but no action.

Fished 2 deep cuts, one by the Fall Creek Landing ramp and one by the Keowee Town ramp.

Both had fish in them.

I spooned two small 11-12” spots out of the Fall Creek Cove in 40-45 feet of water.  Lost one on a spinbait and many were seen schooling and as usual just a half a cast too far.

Moved down to the cove by Keowee Town and spooned a 14” spot and a very nice fat 19” spot out of 55’ of water.  Again, schoolers were coming up and I did hook up on 3 more on a spinbait but couldn’t keep them buttoned up.

Very nice to see some activity today.  Hopefully better fishing is on the way.